Credits by; LYKA GOLLOSO MALABANAN My experience with the modular is quite complicated. I can't manage my time because of the very many activities in a one module that needs to be done. I always ran out of time with the time allotted,it's very hard because after I finish answering one module in a subject I can't rest because there are modules followed that need to be done. All I can say is that modular class is not for me. I am not a fast learner when it comes to subjects that involve english and with this step up. I won't experience having a through discussion of the topics by someone who's more inclined with the subject. I hope this step up will end soon, because we're not learning anymore,all were doing is just for compliance. How can I learn something on this module if all we did was answer, losing the appetite to review because it is not just one subject that has many activities and we will answer. It's like 2 modules in one subject you need to answer...